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The new corporate headquarters of the ÖBB (Austrian Railway), with 30,000 sq.m surface area and its 88 m high tower, extends along the new main railway station in Vienna and serves as a landmark in the new city district. Besides central facilities and external occupancies in the lower floors, the dynamically curved building complex provides optimal conditions for work and communication to about 1,700 employees of different affiliated companies of the ÖBB. In this open office structure communication areas and aisles, as well as closed meeting and working areas, are clearly defined by different ceiling heights and, primarily, use of various floorings. Working and conference rooms have been furnished with OBJECT CARPET grade POODLE 1400. The surface feel, versatile range of colours and, not least, room acoustic properties met the user’s requirements.

Revêtements de sol utilisés
Glory 1500
Glory 1500

En tout 200 m²

Couleurs utilisées :

1513 Smoke
1513 Smoke
Toutes les informations du produit
Poodle 1400
Poodle 1400

En tout 21130 m²

Couleurs utilisées :

1404 Kiesel
1404 Kiesel
1458 Taube
1458 Taube
1463 Vino Rosso
1463 Vino Rosso
1464 Smoke
1464 Smoke
1482 Yellow
1482 Yellow
Toutes les informations du produit